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Product Marketing
      Product marketing can be considered as an integral part of tourism marketing, it is the classification of customers according to the degree that specific types of services could appeal to them. Some of the Major attraction for the tourists in J&K, which needs to be exploited to full potential, are:

Adventure & Holiday Tourism

    • Mountaineering
    • Trekking
    • Ballooning
    • Rock Climbing
    • White Water Rafting
    • Motor Rallies

Pilgrimage Tourism
        Pilgrimage Tourism is expected to generate a high growth rate of tourism in Jammu and Kashmir. Domestic Tourism is largely a part of Pilgrimage Tourism, but it has to be converted / extended/ turned into other forms of Tourism like Wildlife Tourism, Adventure Tourism, Leisure Tourism, by providing exiting offers to the tourists, etc.

    • Buddhist Circuit upto Ladakh
    • Muslim Shrines of Srinagar
    • Amarnath Yatra

      Eco-Tourism is Responsible travel to natural areas and provides sustenance to the well being of the local people. It is an amalgamation of interests arising out of environmental, economic and social Concerns. The stakeholders/ involved are consumers, managers, native people & suppliers, etc. Eco-Tourism could be initiated in :

    • Sanctuaries
    • Mountaineering
    • Motor Biking, etc.

Rural Tourism
        Rural Tourism is one component of a broader initiative to improve the economic & social life of the local people & to enhance the environment. Following a description of both the
process involved in developing the programme and the tourist product itself, significant features of rural tourisms approach are crucial to long-term success and sustainability.

A New Media Action Plan is needed that will increase the marketing reach and lower the costs.

    • Printed Materials
    • Magazine Advertising
    • Trade Shows
    • TV & Video

Strategy for tourism Promotion

i) Development of facilities, activities, physical environment and infrastructure
ii) Marketing the region and selling an image
iii) Expansion of culture, sport, natural and other tourist attraction
iv) Physical regeneration of the area
v) Expansion of tourism resources comprising primary and secondary elements

Strategic Objectives of Environment Strategy could be:

  • Improving the quality of Life
  • Enhancing Livelihoods.
  • Protect the long-term productivity and resilience of natural resources and ecosystems on which people’s livelihoods depend.
  • Improving the quality of growth
  • Promote better policy, regulatory, and institutional framework for sustainable environmentalmanagement
  • Help improve safeguard systems and practices
  • Promote environmentally and socially sustainable private sector development.
  • Improving the Regional and Global Commons

Environmental initiatives could be build on these principles:

  • Focus on the positive linkages between poverty reduction and environmental protection.
  • Focus first on local environmental benefits, and build on overlaps with global benefits.
  • Address the vulnerability and adaptation needs of regions/ developing countries.
  • Facilitate transfer of funds to meet the costs of generating global environmental benefits.
  • Reducing health risks.
  • Reducing vulnerability to natural hazards.
  • A ‘tourist code of conduct’ for this region should be evolved, which could be applicable to both the tourist industry and consumers alike. All should strictly adhere to the provisions of code.
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